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Great Covid Melbourne Migration

How to escape the Melbourne lockdown !

Melbourne has been under lockdown since March 2020. Initially it was Stage 3 and then the current Stage 4, which has been going on for the last 2 months. Many businesses have been affected in their operating hours & some have been completely shutdown.

Moving & Removals has been one of the lucky essential business, which has been allowed under the Stage 4 lockdown. Melbourne city Movers have been working throughout the pandemic this year. Initially it was very quiet but with government assistance, we are doing ok overall, because Melbournians are finding one way or the other to move.

The current moving trend in Melbourne metro has been to escape the Stage 4 lockdown, so many people are moving to country towns like Ballarat, Bendigo, Bairnsdale, Wodonga, Phillip island etc. In the last month itself we moved over 100 homes to all over Victoria. It almost seems like a great Covid initiated migration. I had a chat with one of the moving families and they were not at all happy with the restrictions and had lost hope that they will ever come out of this in Melbourne. So they decided to quit Melbourne and move with their parents in San Remo ( Phillip Island ).

Below is the summary of some the Jobs to country Victoria.

Currently in September we have school holidays in Melbourne, plus country Victoria is out of lockdown. So many are taking advantage of moving & removals being allowed under stage 4 lockdown and leaving Melbourne.

I am very hopeful though, & with the reducing active Covid 19 case numbers in Melbourne, we are looking forward to the easing of restrictions in the next few weeks. Its our expectation that people will start moving back to Melbourne again and together with real-estate visits & auctions allowed, we are expecting a busy moving season ahead.

We hope all Melbournians going through hardship will get some reprieve in the next few weeks. Australians & especially Melbournians are very strong willed community and will get out of this pandemic as a more strong and united group and will lead the nation again out of this recession.

This pandemic is a lesson to the world to be more sympathetic towards all living beings and take care of our environment. May be a more simple life is the way to go from here.

( Above is personal opinion of the author in regards to the pandemic and existing moving trends in Melbourne. It should not be taken in anyway to break the existing lockdown laws.)